Sunday, July 13, 2008

July 13

The package on my doorstep was deceiving. I never get packages and a big brown box came in the mail. I'll admit I was excited, so I open it up and utter disappointment. A letter from Johnny Appleseed Fruit Co. letting me know about the wonderful fruits they have and yearly schedule along with a box of fruit, each piece wrapped in green tissue paper. Who gets mail order fruit for a Christmas present? I do - and who else but my sister would send anyone fruit as a gift. Jill is the epidome of health and fitness - I call her the health guru of Flaxseed Lane. Her poor children will never know the beauty of cheeto and dorito stained fingers. I wish it was a cheese of the month club -- or even wine or beer would be better. At least wine and beer would be consumed. I know that more than half of that box will end up as science experiment in my refridgerator - and then I will only be cursing spandex clad Jill when I smell the rotting molding fruit and finally make time to clean out my fridge. Her intentions are good I suppose, maybe I'll make a fruit salad for dessert - would you want to come over? Well, I have fruit and we could build a snowman, or shovel just for fun -- who knows, I hate winter! What do want to do? Great, I'll see you in a little bit.

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